Police Caught as Agent Provocateurs/Black Bloc in Montebello

This is real folks- in Canada, our government have been using Black Bloc tactics to discredit protest movements. We need a national inquiry!

Equally, the Occupy movement should not tolerate Black Bloc tactics- they enable the police to infiltrate us…

6 responses to “Police Caught as Agent Provocateurs/Black Bloc in Montebello

  1. I’ve heard rumors and read a couple of articles about such black propaganda’s. I wonder if the allegations are true, the government should conduct an open investigation so everything can be cleared.

  2. Pingback: Russia Today Story on Black Bloc at Occupy Oakland | genuiNEWitty

  3. Pingback: An Anonymous Warning To The Black Bloc | genuiNEWitty

  4. This incident is true, and was well covered by the Canadian media. It is unfortunate to see such things in Canada- disillusioning…

  5. Pingback: I Was Assaulted today By Black Bloc Terrorists | genuiNEWitty

  6. Pingback: Update On The Lynch Mob Story! | genuiNEWitty