Tag Archives: Downtown East Side

How Do You Double DTES Rental Profits? Rent Your Space To INSITE/ONSITE!

INSITE/ONSITE Clinic In Vancouver

I’ll start this article with a disclosure. First, I am 110% behind the concept of supervised injections sights. Having lived in London & Amsterdam where they have been successfully doing this for years, I can see the benefits of the concept. That said, after a personal experience, I am far from impressed with INSITE- and services in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side (DTES) are a comparatively a gong show…

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No Wonder Harsha Walia Loves To Pimp Violence!

Yeah Dave Eby- she does seem outrageous, doesn’t she!

Ever since the first day I used Twitter I’ve been amazed by its power. Not only because of its value for getting my words out to the world- but, equally, it is a wonderful tool for querying the world for information…

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